Today in the rearview

Oddly enough, today went pretty much according to plan. There’s not much point in mentioning work as I can’t go into detail ever, law firm and all that. But the morning went according to schedule. Up on time. Morning praxis. Coffee and headlines. Mocha and to work on time. Afterward, saw to the pups, came home, and had a breath of a break before spending half an hour in the kitchen tidying up.

After that, I accidentally spent half an hour reading and taking notes from Raja Yoga before I realized I’d intended to work on praxis development in that time slot. No biggie. I could just tend to that in the later slot and get the sequence right next time. As for Raja Yoga, I made to the end of page 1 this time.

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Of yoga and worldbuilding

Well, Saturday night’s first dip into the material was unexpected. I took about half an hour to read the preface and chapters one and two of Vedanta Philosophy: Lectures by the Swami Vivekananda on Raja Yoga and Other Subjects. Then I set the timer for another half hour to take notes.

I made it about a third of the way through the first paragraph. This is good. This is what I was hoping for.

Continue reading “Of yoga and worldbuilding”

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