The point of all this? The world of Iaon

Tonight I thought I’d try something a bit different. This notion of a world named Iaon has been with me now for about 7-8 years. I’ve picked at the edges of this thing off an on during that time, enough that key elements have pretty much locked themselves in and they come to mind readily. Then there’s the scattered notes. But it’s extremely low concept. Forget elevator pitch. Nay, yeet it out the window.

So I thought I’d try chatting with ChatGPT about it. As a result, I’ve fleshed out just the tiniest bit more, but by having a dialog about it I’m forced to be a bit more rigorous in my intentions and I can see some of the flow of things a bit more clearly. In other ways, I’m lost as ever. Like my character Samael Wakefield in the dialog below, I find the dreams of years past breaking through into conscious awareness forcing me to ask myself as I look around at my actual world, all the good, all the bad, all the indifferent, “how did this come to pass?”

“How is this my lot?” indeed. Don’t get me wrong. I’m lucky. Beyond lucky. I’ve had many occasion to remark that I’ve got the luck of the devil. How or why, I don’t know. That’s rather the question again, innit?

Start at the beginning.

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