New old music & this was a surprise

Now with Saturday (and Sunday) morning cartoons, vampires, yodeling, Greek gods, a single Python of the Monty variety, and cultural appropriation.

I like to expand my musical horizons now and again by using‘s advanced search. For giggles tonight, I thought I’d start at the beginning, as it were. Goal: see where the music starts before I start getting picky about genres and ratings and see what rings a bell. Follow that rabbit down the hole and see where it goes. See what, if anything, satisfies my hankering for nostalgia.

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The Quantum Devil

If you like cosmic horror, you owe it to yourself to see this one.

I saw no fanfare leading up to it, but I also have no recollection of anything in particular from February of last year. For that matter, I hadn’t heard of it at all, even on the occasional movie suggestions video on YouTube. It was barely recommended by Amazon Prime, having 5 stars from 4 whole ratings backed with a lamentable 3.4 at IMDB. I usually see that combo and assume, perhaps wrongly, that whatever it is must be the kind of campy that has strong appeal for a tiny audience. Amazon doesn’t seem to be doing anything in particular to push it other than trickle it through the algorithm into their recommendations for me, which aren’t often all that great. It would be easy to miss, is what I’m trying say.

Don’t miss it.

Rotten Tomatoes has the right of it, I think.

Bonus points for homage to Evil Dead with maybe a whiff of Pirates of the Caribbean. Also, be on the lookout for Robert Englund while you’re at it. He’s lookin’ good for his years.

Warning: graphic depictions of adult-themed stuff.

Illustration: still from the The Quantum Devil, chosen specifically because a) I love the graffiti rendering of Lovecraftian horror, and b) the significance of going through the door.

Now Playing: The Dragon Prince, Spirit MOC, Yoga, and Tones on Tail


Once I got settled in for the evening last night when I started this, it was time for The Dragon Prince. This is what, the third time I’ve watched the series? I like it more each time I watch it because I can appreciate more of it that I missed before. The story is well crafted. The characters have depth and meaningful character arcs. The animation is lovely. And now that I’m attempting to watch it with a more critical eye, looking for lessons in how excellence is achieved, I’m actually a bit awed. I’m not exactly prone to fandom, so I’m a little late to the news that there will be two more seasons [spoilers behind the link]. After this, I’m not sure. Maybe back to Supernatural again. That’ll make six times through that series.

Alas, I can choose to follow my natural inclinations and just watch The Dragon Prince all night, or I can make a little progress on my Yoga Map of Contents in Obsidian. It was neck and neck there for a bit because I’m seriously enjoying season 3, but yoga won out. Of course, this means I’m going to need some music in the background.

Thank goodness I thought ahead of time and created my own Best of Tones on Tail playlist on Spotify. Mind you, with a band like them, such a short catalog, and so many excellent songs, it’s damned near a Compleat instead of a Best of, but there’s some omissions. What remains is nearly everything, just with no repeats. It’s exactly the list of Tones on Tail I want to hear when that’s what the mood calls for.

Now on to yoga.

Continue reading “Now Playing: The Dragon Prince, Spirit MOC, Yoga, and Tones on Tail”

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