Of yoga and worldbuilding

Well, Saturday night’s first dip into the material was unexpected. I took about half an hour to read the preface and chapters one and two of Vedanta Philosophy: Lectures by the Swami Vivekananda on Raja Yoga and Other Subjects. Then I set the timer for another half hour to take notes.

I made it about a third of the way through the first paragraph. This is good. This is what I was hoping for.

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Brain in a Vat (Am I Just a?)


I’m not yet versed enough in epistemology to be able to argue the point effectively myself, but this right here is a recurring theme in my worldview. Rather, in what may appear to be the worldview of what may appear to be me. Perhaps. Maybe. As for the video, I lucked into this one. I think it adequately describes the quality of debate on the subject generally. Someone pitches the brain in a vat thought experiment. The opponent more or less deftly bobs, weaves, ducks, dodges and puts on a good show of doing anything but address the subject at hand no matter how many times they get called out for it.

Continue reading “Brain in a Vat (Am I Just a?)”

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