New old music & this was a surprise

Now with Saturday (and Sunday) morning cartoons, vampires, yodeling, Greek gods, a single Python of the Monty variety, and cultural appropriation.

I like to expand my musical horizons now and again by using‘s advanced search. For giggles tonight, I thought I’d start at the beginning, as it were. Goal: see where the music starts before I start getting picky about genres and ratings and see what rings a bell. Follow that rabbit down the hole and see where it goes. See what, if anything, satisfies my hankering for nostalgia.

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How about something more uplifting?

After that last bit of catharsis, I think I need to pave the way to a more positive outlook with the beginning of a playlist. I call this one Songs for the Spirit. Hidden behind the list button, you’ll find:

  • Peter Gabriel – Sledgehammer
  • Juno Reactor – God Is God
  • Peter Murphy – Socrates the Python
  • Audioslave – Show Me How to Live
  • Pink Floyd – Shine on You Crazy Diamond
  • Depeche Mode – I Feel You
  • Depeche Mode – Mercy in You
  • Depeche Mode – In Your Room
  • Depeche Mode – Get Right with Me
  • Depeche Mode – Higher Love
  • The The – True Happiness this Way Lies
  • The The – Love Is Stronger than Death
  • Oingo Boingo – Dead Man’s Party
Continue reading “How about something more uplifting?”

Now Playing: The Dragon Prince, Spirit MOC, Yoga, and Tones on Tail


Once I got settled in for the evening last night when I started this, it was time for The Dragon Prince. This is what, the third time I’ve watched the series? I like it more each time I watch it because I can appreciate more of it that I missed before. The story is well crafted. The characters have depth and meaningful character arcs. The animation is lovely. And now that I’m attempting to watch it with a more critical eye, looking for lessons in how excellence is achieved, I’m actually a bit awed. I’m not exactly prone to fandom, so I’m a little late to the news that there will be two more seasons [spoilers behind the link]. After this, I’m not sure. Maybe back to Supernatural again. That’ll make six times through that series.

Alas, I can choose to follow my natural inclinations and just watch The Dragon Prince all night, or I can make a little progress on my Yoga Map of Contents in Obsidian. It was neck and neck there for a bit because I’m seriously enjoying season 3, but yoga won out. Of course, this means I’m going to need some music in the background.

Thank goodness I thought ahead of time and created my own Best of Tones on Tail playlist on Spotify. Mind you, with a band like them, such a short catalog, and so many excellent songs, it’s damned near a Compleat instead of a Best of, but there’s some omissions. What remains is nearly everything, just with no repeats. It’s exactly the list of Tones on Tail I want to hear when that’s what the mood calls for.

Now on to yoga.

Continue reading “Now Playing: The Dragon Prince, Spirit MOC, Yoga, and Tones on Tail”

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