Back at it again

If Thanksgiving was your thing, I hope you had a fine one. I did, after my own fashion. For four days, there were no alarms. Time became meaningless. I cast myself adrift on a sea of turkey with trimmings and whatever creative impulses came along. This time it turned into a four-day spree at Midjourney. Good fun.

That was then. And here’s Monday, all of a sudden, and back to the routine. Mostly. Work was work, huzzah! Mostly highs, no lows. That’s a win. At lunch I dropped the car off at the shop, not to be seen again for I have no idea how many days. Timed myself on the walk home. 10 minutes. 10 minutes the other way back to the office. Not bad. A gracious offer of a ride home help keep my evening from being 10 minutes shorter. Those minutes count. And I really, truly, did not feel like hearing any of my countless evening alarms. I was feeling kind of post-holiday back to work whiny and just didn’t feel like doing any of the things. That I enjoy. That I intentionally set aside time for. What the hell is wrong me me?

Alarm. All right, all right. Chores. Gotta do ’em. Alarm. Realization…four days of blowing my schedule through the Rounds off. Fix? Revise the schedule to bump everything up. As it happens, tonight was an Iaon/Worldbuilding night. That felt like winning the lottery. Okay. I’m back in.

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Well, that was all right for a Tuesday

Work didn’t suck, which is nice. At lunch I actually locked in plans to get the car serviced next week. Don’t know how I managed, but I cracked the crap out of my power steering fluid reservoir or something down near road level. I dreaded trying to find a mechanic because in the past I kept trying the wrong ones apparently. Nope, easy peasy this time. That’s a relief.

Then it was 5. An hour flies by and it’s time to start my Dailies and Rounds. Today we’ve got some rumination about the reason for doing nearly anything at all as part of my daily deep dive into what I call Praxis. Dipped my toes into administrative law for the law daily. Learned the opening bars of The Cure’s A Forest. Drew a thing. And for today’s Rounds, we’ve got Worldbuilding and Iaon.

Continue reading “Well, that was all right for a Tuesday”

Let’s talk zettelkasten and navel-gazing

If you know, you know. If you don’t know, zettelkasten is a note-taking system. I found a good introductory article to help ease things along, How to Use Obsidian as a Zettelkasten: The Ultimate Tutorial by Matt Giaro.

In the article, the author gives a tip o’ the hat to How to Take Smart Notes by Sönke Ahrens. I’m conflicted. I’ve got it. It’s not great. Given the ratings, I’m the odd one out, but that’s okay. To me it felt like far too much of the book, like so many others, was a sales pitch for the book itself. Hi! Zettelkasten! You want to know more about zettelkasten, so you got this book. Know why you should know more? Here’s reasons. How about more reasons? I know you want to learn the method, but wouldn’t you like to learn more reasons first? How about now, more reasons? Right, let’s get on with the method, but first, here’s some more reasons.

Continue reading “Let’s talk zettelkasten and navel-gazing”

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