Well, that was all right for a Tuesday

Work didn’t suck, which is nice. At lunch I actually locked in plans to get the car serviced next week. Don’t know how I managed, but I cracked the crap out of my power steering fluid reservoir or something down near road level. I dreaded trying to find a mechanic because in the past I kept trying the wrong ones apparently. Nope, easy peasy this time. That’s a relief.

Then it was 5. An hour flies by and it’s time to start my Dailies and Rounds. Today we’ve got some rumination about the reason for doing nearly anything at all as part of my daily deep dive into what I call Praxis. Dipped my toes into administrative law for the law daily. Learned the opening bars of The Cure’s A Forest. Drew a thing. And for today’s Rounds, we’ve got Worldbuilding and Iaon.

Continue reading “Well, that was all right for a Tuesday”

Bust a Move

Sometimes what I get back for my effort is just…fun. I was looking for a particular sort of image. This wasn’t it. But I love it. In the future when engaged in theater of the mind, either my own imagination or that of prospective players and/or readers, I might not just see some storm giant or god appearing static and immobile in the sky. Maybe what I see is that giant or god busting a move. A grand entrance, if you will.

At first it just struck me as funny. I don’t tend to think of dancing beefcake. It just strikes me as muscle-bound and quite possible stiff and a bit funny. Then I recall Maori haka. Nope. Not funny. Deadly serious. As might be befitting a giant or god. Then I recall Shiva. Grim, ecstatic stuff, indeed.

For that matter, for other usages, maybe it isn’t always about dance, but just entrance. The bigger the drama, maybe a bigger entrance is called for. How does your god or giant emerge onto the scene. Are they just suddenly there, voila? Do they rage and storm onto the scene? Do they calmly fade in from mist or shadow? The sensations do they radiate? What feeling should be palpable in the air?

Here, though, it’s dance.

You’ve been served. Roll for initiative.

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Scribbles from the Archives

Found while organizing my files in preparation for the next stage of the grand scheme of things. Last modified March 25, 2017, that must have been the day I did all the color shifting. The original is an 18×24 drawing in cheap marker on whatever pad that was, from several years before that. One day I got a fairly decent shot of it on my camera, then decided it would be fun to rotate the colors by small increments in GIMP to see what other color schemes would slowly emerge.

Update: I noticed after uploading that the color series was all out of whack, so I went back and re-sequenced the images. I did not expect to see what I saw when it was done. This turned out cooler than I expected. Somehow it had never occurred to me to look at the series arrayed in two columns. Turns out, they tile very nicely (not accurately, just in a pleasing fashion) and the transitions are smooth.

Continue reading “Scribbles from the Archives”

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