Memory, or remembering memory? Or: Let the screaming commence

Rubber, cracked. Red. Ball of spongy rubber, skin cracked and peeling, crumbly interior exposed. Thin rubbery mold line to pick at with tiny nails. Trailer door. Hand slammed in door. Snow. Sea foam green room, cradle. Creepy with the smell of age. No faces. Nothing else.

That’s it. Time’s a muddle. Time? New place, Gentilly apartments, likely a no-tell motel with day rates. Sitting on walkway, dried brown leaves on gravel drive, hand’s reach. Pick up, crinkle. Snap. Crisp. Tear. Peel the flesh from the veins. Crumble in my hands and grind to fine flakes. Mother’s alarm. What am I doing? Palms chapped and bleeding.

Or was it beach on the right, and water? A lighthouse. A road, trains alongside. White water tower. Missisuburbia in washed out 1960’s postcard tones, even in real life. Grampa’s house. Ornamental structural brick carport. Was this first? I think. Maybe. Yes, it comes back to me now, a conversation with Mom many years hence. We’d stopped there with hopes that Grampa would take me in. Apparently the answer was hell no. More here later, but when? Or did I ever remember this moment at all, only to hear about it later, and then to build a false memory built on the bricks of later memory.

How much of my memory today is memory of times recalled, and how much is just remembering what I think I remembered the last time I remembered something? Even then, don’t I likely remember even less, else I’d maybe also remember the setting in which I remembered? Each new memory of a memory seen as a later generation, each losing resolution like photocopied photographs.

Continue reading “Memory, or remembering memory? Or: Let the screaming commence”

New old music & this was a surprise

Now with Saturday (and Sunday) morning cartoons, vampires, yodeling, Greek gods, a single Python of the Monty variety, and cultural appropriation.

I like to expand my musical horizons now and again by using‘s advanced search. For giggles tonight, I thought I’d start at the beginning, as it were. Goal: see where the music starts before I start getting picky about genres and ratings and see what rings a bell. Follow that rabbit down the hole and see where it goes. See what, if anything, satisfies my hankering for nostalgia.

Continue reading “New old music & this was a surprise”

Where to begin? How about the beginning?

I wrote the following back in 2007, or, rather shockingly to me as I think about it now, about 20 years ago.

I was born on April Fool’s Day at 4:50 in the morning at a VA hospital to one helluva character, rest her blessed soul, which makes me, to those who care about such things, an Aries with Pisces rising, a screwed up combination if ever there was one. My planets align in such a way that just coincidentally the things the astrologers say about such matters appear to be true of me.

4:50 in the morning was not a pleasant time at any hospital, much less the VA hospital where I was born, populated as it probably was, I’m sure, largely with wounded and recovering veterans who sustained injury in service to country for whatever their reasons. 4:50 in the morning is generally not a good time anywhere, unless one is either fast asleep, or lost in passionate embrace, or drunk to the rafters, perhaps the first subsequent to the rest.

Continue reading “Where to begin? How about the beginning?”

How about something more uplifting?

After that last bit of catharsis, I think I need to pave the way to a more positive outlook with the beginning of a playlist. I call this one Songs for the Spirit. Hidden behind the list button, you’ll find:

  • Peter Gabriel – Sledgehammer
  • Juno Reactor – God Is God
  • Peter Murphy – Socrates the Python
  • Audioslave – Show Me How to Live
  • Pink Floyd – Shine on You Crazy Diamond
  • Depeche Mode – I Feel You
  • Depeche Mode – Mercy in You
  • Depeche Mode – In Your Room
  • Depeche Mode – Get Right with Me
  • Depeche Mode – Higher Love
  • The The – True Happiness this Way Lies
  • The The – Love Is Stronger than Death
  • Oingo Boingo – Dead Man’s Party
Continue reading “How about something more uplifting?”

PSA: Suicide Prevention Awareness & Trigger Warning, or This Slice o’ Life Ain’t for Everyone

Truly, the “substance” of this post takes second place to the trigger warning and awareness raising. When I first posted this, I inaptly named it and left out any indicators that the warning was the first part of a two-part thing. I originally posted this nearly four months ago. I’ve become much cheerier since. I think. Life is a fixer-upper, and I’m back on the upswing, which is probably my favorite place to be. I suck at plateaus and kinda hate that I’m good at troughs from sheer practice. That slide down, though? Whew, what a ride.

Continue reading “PSA: Suicide Prevention Awareness & Trigger Warning, or This Slice o’ Life Ain’t for Everyone”

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