Why should there be something rather than nothing at all?

In this case, because I know what happens when I post nothing. Posting nothing becomes a habit. Next thing I know, months will have passed and I’ll just be the least bloggiest blogger to have ever blogged a blog again. This isn’t my first run around to the back of the barn where I get distracted and wander off into the woods. Two nights ago (Tuesday) I made a wee bit of progress, but then last night and tonight I just kind of hit a wall. Well, a wall and a distracting Midjourney rabbit hole. This is probably a pretty good indication that I need to spend some time centering to get back on an even keel.

The above scribble is hardly a beauty. I’m not terribly satisfied with my slop in this one. But this early in, and for another crack at speed drawing, I’ll cut myself some slack. It might have yielded an artistically deficient dodecahedron, but by golly it’s a recognizable one. The guitar practice went well enough. The notes on law were taken. The navel was gazed it. Then the next topic my rounds came up, Gaming (by which I mean just about any kind, boardgaming, ttrpgs, video). I wasn’t quite sure what direction I was going to spin off to. It ended up being a search through a few different game systems for a rule system I like for playing gods against gods. Still haven’t made up my mind yet on that one. Then I considered and reconsidered whether I wanted to tackle solo BECMI D&D or solo AD&D. Still leaning to BECMI at the moment, but probably with a lot of material migrated in from all over the place.

As for tonight. I’m off-schedule and I’ve got a few hours left. I’ll probably get another post in and go play in the photon mines some more.

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