The Quantum Devil

If you like cosmic horror, you owe it to yourself to see this one.

I saw no fanfare leading up to it, but I also have no recollection of anything in particular from February of last year. For that matter, I hadn’t heard of it at all, even on the occasional movie suggestions video on YouTube. It was barely recommended by Amazon Prime, having 5 stars from 4 whole ratings backed with a lamentable 3.4 at IMDB. I usually see that combo and assume, perhaps wrongly, that whatever it is must be the kind of campy that has strong appeal for a tiny audience. Amazon doesn’t seem to be doing anything in particular to push it other than trickle it through the algorithm into their recommendations for me, which aren’t often all that great. It would be easy to miss, is what I’m trying say.

Don’t miss it.

Rotten Tomatoes has the right of it, I think.

Bonus points for homage to Evil Dead with maybe a whiff of Pirates of the Caribbean. Also, be on the lookout for Robert Englund while you’re at it. He’s lookin’ good for his years.

Warning: graphic depictions of adult-themed stuff.

Illustration: still from the The Quantum Devil, chosen specifically because a) I love the graffiti rendering of Lovecraftian horror, and b) the significance of going through the door.

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