Of Dailies and Rounds

Well, that took longer than I expected. I forgot to “triple it,” as a friend might have suggested. However long you think that’s gonna take? Yup. Triple that. It’s the easiest recipe for over-delivering on an under-promise. As it happens, there’s no promises here, but even so. It’s nice to make some visible progress now and again. The graph view from Obsidian above still makes for a nice single visualization of where I’m at compared to where I’ve been.

When not waylaid by some of life’s barbs and arrows (or someone’s voodoo doll, ffs, I mean the last weeks have included some bouts of anxiety and depression along with a dramatic and painful fall on the ice, a breakout of friggin’ boils, and a cracked power steering reservoir), I’ve had the good fortune of a hobby to keep me occupied, my Brain in a Vat personal knowledge management thingum (not sure how systematic it is yet) using Obsidian.

I thought I had it pretty well nailed down until it came time to put it into action. Turns out, those original notions were just the beta. I think I’ve got it down to a workable system now, at least for me. I don’t know that I’d recommend it to anyone else yet. Being goal-oriented seems to be all the rage. This isn’t about that at all, at all. This is entirely journey over destination, where maybe the only “end goal” is to look back now and again and think, “hooowee, been through some shit now, haven’t I?” Maybe there’s some stories in that. Maybe I’ll learn how to write them well. Getting there, wherever there is, is going to be all of the fun.

The challenge for me is that I suck at choosing just one or three or a dozen things to be interested in, and I know that of all of those things, some are more important than others in the big scheme of things, whatever that is. There’s where I’m off the beaten path again. My big scheme of things is perhaps atypical. I have no family to provide for. No educational pedigree to seek. Very few obligations with their hooks under my skin. I get by to my humble satisfaction. Ain’t rich, don’t need to be. These factors conspire to create the luxury of being able to fritter away my free time pretty much however I damned well please. Most people have to prioritize. Me?

I’ve only got but so many priorities, thank goodness. I’ve been able to break them down into Dailies and Rounds. Dailies are as advertised: things that I feel the need to scratch at on a daily basis if I’m to derive any benefit from them. In order of my priorities, the dailies are: Spirit, Law, Music, Art, and Writing. Outside of that are All of the Things. To accomplish some semblance of progress on this glacial journal, I’ve broken the most of the rest of my interests into categories that’ll each get their half-hour of glory in turn, as scheduled: gaming, writing, linguistics, philosophy, math, science, social sciences, history, worldbuilding, and work on Iaon in particular, whether more worldbuilding, working on a character, a plot, what have you. Worldbuilding/Iaon is actually closer to being a daily as it’s the reason for just about everything else since it should be where everything else is distilled for the sake of story. As it is, this list would invite a kindly “shouldn’t you narrow that down a hair more?” from a well-intended, if mystified, passerby, but this is just what I’ve got because I just won’t make a sacrifice. The weekends, holidays, and staycations are for all of the other things that I couldn’t cut off of any reasonable list, like DIY home projects, crafting and art, and maybe some actual game time one day.

Hell, if there’s a goal, it’s to live long enough to retire and eliminate most of the time constraints on this project.

15:00 PMHome5:00 PMHome5:00 PMHome5:00 PMHome5:00 PMHome
5:30 PMChores5:30 PMChores5:30 PMChores5:30 PMChores5:30 PMChores
6:00 PMBreak6:00 PMBreak6:00 PMBreak6:00 PMBreak6:00 PMBreak
6:10 PMSpirit (Praxis)6:10 PMSpirit (Praxis)6:10 PMSpirit (Praxis)6:10 PMSpirit (Praxis)6:10 PMSpirit (Praxis)
6:40 PMBreak6:40 PMBreak6:40 PMBreak6:40 PMBreak6:40 PMBreak
6:50 PMQuimbee6:50 PMQuimbee6:50 PMQuimbee6:50 PMQuimbee6:50 PMQuimbee
7:20 PMBreak7:20 PMBreak7:20 PMBreak7:20 PMBreak7:20 PMBreak
7:30 PMGuitar7:30 PMGuitar7:30 PMGuitar7:30 PMGuitar7:30 PMGuitar
8:00 PMCats8:00 PMCats8:00 PMCats8:00 PMCats8:00 PMCats
8:10 PMDinner8:10 PMDinner8:10 PMDinner8:10 PMDinner8:10 PMDinner
8:40 PMDrawing8:40 PMDrawing8:40 PMDrawing8:40 PMDrawing8:40 PMDrawing
9:10 PMBreak9:10 PMBreak9:10 PMBreak9:10 PMBreak9:10 PMBreak
9:20 PMSpirit (Topic)9:20 PMWorldbuilding9:20 PMMusic9:20 PMWorldbuilding9:20 PMGaming
9:50 PMBreak9:50 PMBreak9:50 PMBreak9:50 PMBreak9:50 PMBreak
10:00 PMLaw10:00 PMIaon10:00 PMArt10:00 PMIaon10:00 PMWriting
10:30 PMBreak10:30 PMBreak10:30 PMBed10:30 PMBreak10:30 PMBreak
10:40 PMWriting10:40 PMWriting10:40 PMWriting10:40 PMWriting10:40 PMWriting
11:10 PMBed11:10 PMBed11:10 PMBed11:10 PMBed11:10 PMBed
25:00 PMHome5:00 PMHome5:00 PMHome5:00 PMHome5:00 PMHome
5:30 PMChores5:30 PMChores5:30 PMChores5:30 PMChores5:30 PMChores
6:00 PMBreak6:00 PMBreak6:00 PMBreak6:00 PMBreak6:00 PMBreak
6:10 PMSpirit (Praxis)6:10 PMSpirit (Praxis)6:10 PMSpirit (Praxis)6:10 PMSpirit (Praxis)6:10 PMSpirit (Praxis)
6:40 PMBreak6:40 PMBreak6:40 PMBreak6:40 PMBreak6:40 PMBreak
6:50 PMQuimbee6:50 PMQuimbee6:50 PMQuimbee6:50 PMQuimbee6:50 PMQuimbee
7:20 PMBreak7:20 PMBreak7:20 PMBreak7:20 PMBreak7:20 PMBreak
7:30 PMGuitar7:30 PMGuitar7:30 PMGuitar7:30 PMGuitar7:30 PMGuitar
8:00 PMCats8:00 PMCats8:00 PMCats8:00 PMCats8:00 PMCats
8:10 PMDinner8:10 PMDinner8:10 PMDinner8:10 PMDinner8:10 PMDinner
8:40 PMDrawing8:40 PMDrawing8:40 PMDrawing8:40 PMDrawing8:40 PMDrawing
9:10 PMBreak9:10 PMBreak9:10 PMBreak9:10 PMBreak9:10 PMBreak
9:20 PMWorldbuilding9:20 PMLinguistics9:20 PMWorldbuilding9:20 PMMath9:20 PMSocial Science
9:50 PMBreak9:50 PMBreak9:50 PMBreak9:50 PMBreak9:50 PMBreak
10:00 PMIaon10:00 PMPhilosophy10:00 PMIaon10:00 PMScience10:00 PMHistory
10:30 PMBreak10:30 PMBed10:30 PMBreak10:30 PMBed10:30 PMBreak
10:40 PMWriting10:40 PMWriting10:40 PMWriting10:40 PMWriting10:40 PMWriting
11:10 PMBed11:10 PMBed11:10 PMBed11:10 PMBed11:10 PMBed

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