Some musical silliness

This only makes sense, if it ever will, with the blog post for context.

Third on my list of Dailies is music. Specifically, music practice. I’ve got a whole other category for music in the Rounds. But it would make zero sense for me to try learning any instrument with about 1/2 an hour of practice once every other week. No, once a day an instrument is to be picked up and subjected to my tender ministrations. Poor thing. For the moment, and for the foreseeable future, that instrument is the electric guitar.

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Legal Research & Writing. Now with Vikings.

But not the cool kind.

My second Daily is time spent studying related to work, since a) work pays the bills, and b) my boss is my friend and I feel I owe it to him to do more than the bare minimum required by the state for continuing legal education as a paralegal. Additionally, as intellectual pursuits are concerned, this one is practical. Practicality is a down-to-earth trait I could stand to develop. For this purpose I use Quimbee. I have mixed feelings about the quality of the presentation, but the content seems to pass muster every time I float something I’ve learned past someone who knows more than me. First up for the sake of practicality is their review of legal research and writing.

Continue reading “Legal Research & Writing. Now with Vikings.”

Praxis Development. What?

Don’t I wish it looked half as cool as that picture above. I have a difficult time visualizing a day when it might look remotely like that. I can do it, but it begs a lot of questions.

Begging questions. Story of my life. Literally, even. Considering I’m a Pyrrhonian skeptic, I have to beg all the questions just to get on with the apparent day to day business of living and not falling in front of oncoming traffic because I “don’t believe in cars” or some shit. There’s philosophy, then there’s avoiding death.

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Of Dailies and Rounds

Well, that took longer than I expected. I forgot to “triple it,” as a friend might have suggested. However long you think that’s gonna take? Yup. Triple that. It’s the easiest recipe for over-delivering on an under-promise. As it happens, there’s no promises here, but even so. It’s nice to make some visible progress now and again. The graph view from Obsidian above still makes for a nice single visualization of where I’m at compared to where I’ve been.

Continue reading “Of Dailies and Rounds”

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