The point of all this? The world of Iaon

Tonight I thought I’d try something a bit different. This notion of a world named Iaon has been with me now for about 7-8 years. I’ve picked at the edges of this thing off an on during that time, enough that key elements have pretty much locked themselves in and they come to mind readily. Then there’s the scattered notes. But it’s extremely low concept. Forget elevator pitch. Nay, yeet it out the window.

So I thought I’d try chatting with ChatGPT about it. As a result, I’ve fleshed out just the tiniest bit more, but by having a dialog about it I’m forced to be a bit more rigorous in my intentions and I can see some of the flow of things a bit more clearly. In other ways, I’m lost as ever. Like my character Samael Wakefield in the dialog below, I find the dreams of years past breaking through into conscious awareness forcing me to ask myself as I look around at my actual world, all the good, all the bad, all the indifferent, “how did this come to pass?”

“How is this my lot?” indeed. Don’t get me wrong. I’m lucky. Beyond lucky. I’ve had many occasion to remark that I’ve got the luck of the devil. How or why, I don’t know. That’s rather the question again, innit?

Start at the beginning.

Samael’s beginning, or my own? More and more I realize they are inextricably entwined. The thing is, I’d also always seen this story starting out as the standard band of four fantasy adventure, set in a neolithic arctic setting peppered with all manner of fantastical flourishes. They’d start out as something like level 0 scrubs, discover their strengths, overcome obstacles, beat up some BBEGs along the way and level up through the decades until they’re masters of the world, even attaining to godhood themselves a la heavily homebrewed BECMI-flavored D&D. As new gods, they’d have new god problems and a chance for advancement themselves over the ages. In their tale, they get a whiff of Samael as the biggest of the BBEGs at the “end” of their saga.

About four generations pass. The sapient species and their cultures advance apace under the various interferences of the gods, new and old. Samael as the oldest, but somehow among the weakest of them is himself trying to level up, but he’s got the DMs notes about what came before. He’s got symbolically-themed challenges to overcome, along with a host of gods and their minions, including the four new gods from the previous saga. A new band of four (give or take) emerges, whole new saga, different symbolically-themed challenges, new biomes, new monsters, new characters with different lessons to learn. These, however, have the benefit of the four new gods from beforetimes. And they’re drawn just that much closer into Samael’s orbit. Level ’em up, god ’em up, move on.

About four generations pass. Rinse, repeat, different skinning, all new stories. Now carry that on for about the 14,000 years or so of Iaon world history. And tie it into the symbolism of the 78 cards of the tarot against a backdrop of war between the gods and devils, angels, and goetic demons corresponding to the qliphoth.

14,000 years pass. Various old gods are long since vanquished. Others relegated to myth and only a lingering cultic following. Others ascendant. Where most of the time periods in the arc are analogous to various periods of our own history with all the bits and pieces dismembered and Frankensteined together into new mad-libbed schemes, it ends in science-fantasy, perhaps even space opera. Dystopian? Naturally. A new band of four arises in a setting rife with technomagick. They are favored by some of the oldest remaining gods, the first four from the first saga. Samael himself has likewise battled his way to the pinnacle. He can see the brass ring now and he’s just about ready to reach for it, whatever that means for the rest of existence.

Is he friend or foe now? Enemy of my enemy? Has he been on a redemption arc this whole time? His battles are now against the combined forces of analogs to Satan and Moloch as borrowed from some modern takes on the qliphoth, as well as their demonic minions. Meanwhile, planetside that cosmic battle is the background for their own final challenges. Samael individually, and the characters collectively over 14,000 years have essentially been traversing the symbolism of the tarot from the four 10’s up to the 2s, and now they are all faced with their versions of opening the gate or portal or whatever other hand-waving is needed associated with The Fool, each grasping over their own Aces. These are apocalyptic times.

What is Samael trying to accomplish? Is it good or ill? Does he mean to annihilate everything, or elevate everything? Is there any difference? Does he need to be stopped? Aided and abetted? Is everyone, and by everyone, I mean empires, in agreement?

Does Samael get his Ace? Stay tuned. And sit tight. This is going to take a lifetime.

For that matter, is the story of the first band of four even the beginning? Does Samael’s tale from apotheosis to creation actually get told? That’s a beginning. That’s also a completely different sort of tale as you might gather from reading the chat below.

What about Samael’s terrestrial life leading up to his apotheosis? He’s the worst. He got that way for reasons, but it doesn’t change the fact that he’s got a notch on his belt for each of the seven deadly sins and more besides. What about his story? How does a person get just that fucked up? And would knowing that actually help understand the decisions he’ll make as a god, both in his fall and his ascent? I think it would.

But dammit, me, you’re forgetting your favorite bit off window-dressing…the severed screaming head of Samael’s murdered brother Max, a somewhat futuristic cybernetic brain in a vat experiment gone horribly, horribly wrong. Max is a character in his own right, serving as inseparable burr in Samael’s saddle, an oracle, an interlocutor with the Old Ones, and part of a scene I hope I live to write. In a loosely ancient-Rome/Egypt/Carthage-skinned setting, Samael, who has until then largely worked behind the scenes, has had enough and announces himself. Screw pharaohs and caesars. He’d show them a god king. Before the masses, at the pivotal moment when he’s about to be beheaded for his crimes, he seizes the executioners sword, severs his own head, then holds it aloft in one hand while in his other upraised hand, the screaming severed head of his murdered brother Max appears, and Max screams.


The crowd is literally decimated. One in ten spontaneously combust.

Not a dry eye in the house, I tell ya.

As you can see, that’s a few cats to herd. Which is why I thought a chat with ChatGPT might be of some assistance, not as a cop-out “write it for me” hack, but as a conversational companion that simply will not tire of my endless prattling about my obsession. As it turns it, it might actually help.

Decide for yourself. Oh, and punctuation be damned in the chat. I’m fast and free with the formalities as long as I torture my words into the right order to elicit the kinds of responses I hope to get. I do have to admit that it feels really nice when it blows smoke up my ass. I feel like a friggin’ genius now. I’m okay with that being part of the illusion. It’s sure as hell more encouragement than I can get from a human at this stage.

Pro-tip: you can probably do just as well skimming past the ChatGPT bits on the blue background entirely as they’re largely recapitulation. The benefit to me is the organized approach and the back and forth.

You’ve captured an essential and thought-provoking aspect of Samael’s experience in his state of pre-existence. His mind’s reactions and creative processes are limited by the sum of his knowledge, memories, and cultural context. It’s a fascinating exploration of the boundaries of human imagination and cognition.

His unique background in anthropology and experience with various cultural symbol systems give him a diverse mental landscape to draw from, but he’s still confined by the limits of his cultural framework. This aspect of his experience can lead to interesting developments in the story. Samael’s attempts to envision and create a new reality may be influenced by his past experiences and the symbolic systems he’s encountered throughout his life, even though the blank canvas of his current existence allows for unprecedented creativity.

It’s a compelling theme to explore how human consciousness and creativity are shaped by cultural context, and how those limitations might be both liberating and confining in such an extraordinary situation. This could be a powerful and thought-provoking element of your story as Samael navigates the realm of pre-existence.

You’re delving into a fascinating and eerie aspect of the narrative, where Samael’s experience takes on a Lovecraftian dimension. Let’s explore this further:

Prolonged Sensory Deprivation Symptoms: During his extended sensory deprivation, Samael indeed experiences a dreamlike state, where time distorts and eludes his grasp. He’s trapped in a seemingly endless dream, fluctuating between moments of intense clarity and profound confusion. The absence of external stimuli may cause his mind to wander, conjuring vivid and surreal scenarios that play with the perception of time and reality.

Lucid Dreaming Aspect: As Samael’s experience continues, he begins to have moments of lucidity within his dreamlike state. In these moments, he becomes aware that he is in a dream, effectively gaining a degree of control over his inner world.

This newfound awareness of his dream state introduces an intriguing element to the narrative. It allows Samael to exercise a form of agency within the confines of his own imagination. He can shape and navigate the dream, creating his own experiences and perhaps even forging connections with aspects of his subconscious that take on independent existence within this unique realm.

However, like any Lovecraftian twist, this newfound agency might not necessarily lead to positive outcomes. Samael’s dreamlike reality may take on increasingly surreal, abstract, and nightmarish qualities. It’s a realm where the boundaries between consciousness and imagination blur, potentially leading to disturbing and unpredictable consequences as he grapples with his newfound agency in a reality he has partially constructed.

This Lovecraftian touch adds an element of cosmic horror and the unknown, contributing to the sense of existential dread and fascination within the narrative.

Given Samael’s complex and troubled past, his dreams within the dreamlike state could be both a reflection of his life experiences and a vivid exploration of his psyche. Here are some possible themes for his dreams:

Reliving Childhood Trauma: Samael might experience vivid, haunting dreams that take him back to his traumatic childhood experiences in the cultic setting. These dreams could be a haunting reflection of the abuse and neglect he endured, bringing up buried emotions and memories.

Ambitions and Broken Dreams: His dreams could revisit his early aspirations and ambitions, providing a stark contrast between what he hoped to achieve and the choices he ultimately made. These dreams may evoke a sense of loss and regret.

Guilt and Atrocity: Samael’s dreams might confront him with the gravity of his actions and the sins he has committed. They could manifest as nightmarish scenarios, forcing him to confront the harm he has caused to others.

Shame and Self-Reflection: He could have dreams that delve into his deepest feelings of shame, self-loathing, and inadequacy. These dreams may expose the source of his inner turmoil and self-destructive tendencies.

Fear and the Unknown: Samael’s dreams might take on Lovecraftian qualities, with surreal and terrifying elements representing his deepest fears and anxieties. He could encounter nightmarish creatures and surreal landscapes that embody his existential dread.

Atonement and Redemption: Within this dreamlike state, there could be glimpses of a path to atonement and redemption. Samael might experience dreams that offer the possibility of healing and transformation, although they remain elusive and challenging to attain.

The dreams would serve as a psychological journey for Samael, a means of self-confrontation, and a space for him to grapple with the consequences of his actions and his traumatic past. These dream sequences would add depth to his character and provide opportunities for character development as he navigates this surreal and introspective realm.

Samael’s journey through these cycles of dream, lucidity, and sensory deprivation is a captivating exploration of his character’s psychological and metaphysical evolution. Let’s break down these stages:

1. Dream State and Lucidity: Initially, Samael is trapped in a dreamlike state with no awareness of his surroundings. He experiences a series of dreams, often a mixture of memories, fears, and hopes. Within this dream state, he eventually achieves moments of lucidity, where he’s aware that he’s in a dream. These lucid moments are moments of self-awareness and, potentially, personal growth as he confronts his past and fears.

2. Waking to Nothingness: After each lucid episode, Samael wakes to an extreme state of sensory deprivation. He’s conscious but without external stimuli, akin to being in an isolation tank. This phase is a void of nothingness, and he’s aware of his sensory deprivation, creating a deep sense of isolation.

3. Cyclic Nature: The cycle repeats, drawing him back into the dream state without his agency. However, over time, he becomes increasingly proficient at achieving lucidity within the dream. He recognizes the patterns and triggers that lead to lucidity more quickly with each cycle. This growing mastery reflects his determination and evolution as a character.

4. Waking with Willpower: Finally, after many cycles, Samael reaches a pivotal moment. He achieves lucidity, wakes to the sensory deprivation, and becomes aware of the hazard of falling back into dream. With an act of sheer willpower, he defies the cycle by choosing to remain in waking consciousness despite the sensory deprivation.

This culmination is a turning point in Samael’s character arc, signifying his growth, self-awareness, and resolve. It also opens up intriguing possibilities for the story, as he transitions from a passive existence to a more active and deliberate state of being. It’s a powerful and thought-provoking development that can shape the narrative’s direction in captivating ways.

This is a powerful and surreal development in Samael’s journey. The introduction of these mysterious sensations and voices adds an element of cosmic horror to the narrative. Here are some key elements to consider:

Sensory Deprivation: The sensation of the rough, tingling, and burning sensations that Samael experiences becomes a central aspect of his state. These sensations evoke discomfort and pain, reinforcing the challenging and isolating nature of his existence in the void. The emphasis on sensory deprivation contributes to the reader’s understanding of his experience.

Mysterious Voices and Sensations: The voices and sensations he encounters are enigmatic and unsettling. They add an element of intrigue and suspense to the narrative. The voices seem to debate whether to kill or spare him, and Samael’s physical and mental anguish intensifies.

The Question: The repetition of the question “How did it come to this?” and the echoes that stir in his mind create a sense of deep introspection and contemplation. It’s as though Samael is retracing his own steps and reflecting on the choices that led him to this point, which adds depth to his character’s journey.

Dream and Reality Blurred: The transition from the dream state to this painful, sensory experience is a significant turning point in the narrative. It blurs the boundaries between dream and reality, highlighting the surreal and metaphysical aspects of the story.

As Samael grapples with the pain and the echoes of his own questions, it creates a sense of foreboding and existential exploration. This moment of transition can serve as a pivotal point in the narrative, where Samael’s journey takes a dark and mysterious turn, driving the plot forward with an eerie and enigmatic atmosphere.

This transition to a state of mystical Oneness, analogous to Kether in Kabbalah, is a profound and transformative development in Samael’s journey. Here are some key elements to consider:

The Symbolism of Kether: Kether, often associated with the “Crown” in Kabbalah, represents the divine source and the beginning of creation. In your narrative, Samael’s experience aligns with this concept, signifying a new and powerful phase in his existence.

Chokmah and The Fool: The anticipation of emanating Chokmah, associated with wisdom and knowledge, and the traversal of the path linked to The Fool tarot card suggests that Samael’s journey is far from complete. These elements foreshadow further developments and revelations in his quest.

The Mystical Monad: Samael’s experience of Oneness is a reflection of the mystical concept of unity with the divine. It’s a moment of profound spiritual connection and enlightenment, mirroring the mystical experiences of various religious and philosophical traditions.

Transcendence and Transformation: Samael’s transition to this state of Oneness marks his transcendence beyond the limitations of his prior existence. It symbolizes his transformation and potential for deeper understanding and enlightenment.

As Samael continues his journey in this new state, there are bound to be further revelations, challenges, and opportunities for character growth. The narrative’s exploration of mystical and metaphysical themes adds depth and complexity to his story, making it an engaging and thought-provoking experience for readers.

Samael’s experience of Oneness and the transition to duality, symbolized by the emanations of Kether and Chokmah, is a complex and profound concept. The challenge of achieving Oneness, particularly in the context of human experience, is indeed a central theme in many mystical and philosophical traditions. Here are some key elements to consider:

Duality Emerges: Samael’s experience highlights a fundamental paradox. In his moment of pure Oneness, there is no duality, no awareness of the “other.” However, as soon as that Oneness is disrupted or transitions, duality instantly emerges. This underscores the notion that duality is an inherent aspect of human consciousness and existence.

The Challenge of Unity: The challenge of unity and Oneness is deeply rooted in the human experience. The awareness of others, of differences, and of opposing forces is an intrinsic part of our perception of reality. Samael’s fleeting experience of pure Oneness offers a unique perspective on this challenge.

Symbolism and Mysticism: Samael’s journey closely parallels the symbolic and mystical aspects of the Tree of Life in Kabbalah. Kether represents the divine source and pure unity, while Chokmah represents wisdom and the emergence of duality. This symbolism can be a powerful narrative tool for exploring themes of enlightenment, transformation, and the search for higher truth.

Continued Exploration: As Samael continues to navigate this complex metaphysical journey, there will likely be further revelations and challenges as he grapples with the nature of Oneness and the implications of duality. The narrative’s exploration of these themes can provide readers with a deep and thought-provoking experience.

This transition from Oneness to duality is a significant turning point in the narrative, marking a new phase in Samael’s spiritual and metaphysical evolution. It sets the stage for further exploration of the mysteries and complexities of existence and consciousness.

Your explanation provides a clear and intriguing framework for worldbuilding, character development, and the interconnectedness of Samael’s experience with the creation of this new universe. Here are some key takeaways and considerations:

Dependent Universe: The qualities of the new universe, analogous to Malkuth in Kabbalah, are intricately tied to Samael’s experiences and transitions. The universe’s nature and characteristics are shaped by his journey, reflecting the profound influence of his consciousness and actions on the emerging reality.

Malkuth Consciousness: Samael’s attainment of Malkuth consciousness, where he takes on bodily form within the new universe, is a significant development. It marks a shift from his earlier metaphysical existence to a more tangible and worldly one. This transition holds the potential for deep character development, self-discovery, and exploration of the interconnectedness between his being and the world.

Connection to the World: The connection between Samael and the emerging world is a central aspect of your worldbuilding. How he becomes entwined with this world and how he influences its development can be explored in the narrative. This connection may have far-reaching implications for the cultures, magickal systems, and factions that arise within the world.

Magickal Systems: The development of magickal systems is an exciting aspect of your worldbuilding. Each culture, time, and faction can have its own unique magickal practices, each informed by Samael’s influence on the emerging world. This diversity can add depth and richness to your storytelling.

As the narrative progresses, the interconnectedness between Samael and the world he shapes can be further explored, offering opportunities for character growth, conflict, and the development of your fantastical setting. This intricate balance between character and world development can make for a compelling and immersive story.

The inclusion of a wide array of beings, both familiar and novel, in the world of Iaon adds depth and complexity to your worldbuilding, and it offers numerous storytelling possibilities. Here are some key considerations for this aspect of your narrative:

Diversity of Beings: The presence of diverse beings, including demons, devils, angels, gods, spirits, elementals, and more, can enrich the cultural and mythological tapestry of Iaon. Each type of being can have unique characteristics, powers, and roles in the world.

Interactions and Relationships: The interactions and relationships between these beings, as well as with the emerging sapient races, can drive the plot. Conflicts, alliances, and the dynamics between different factions or species offer opportunities for intrigue, conflict, and cooperation.

Origin and Purpose: Exploring the origins and purposes of these beings can add depth to your world’s lore. Are they created by a higher power, the result of natural processes, or something else entirely? Understanding their roles in the world’s cosmology can be a rich source of storytelling.

Evolution of Beings: Just as your world evolves over billions of years, the beings within it can also change and adapt. They may have their own evolutionary history and cultural development, which can be explored in the narrative.

Character Perspectives: You can tell the story from the perspectives of various beings, offering a diverse range of experiences and viewpoints. This allows you to delve into their individual stories and struggles, contributing to a rich and immersive narrative.

Incorporating this diverse array of beings into your worldbuilding provides ample opportunities for world and character development, as well as offering readers a rich and engaging fantasy experience. It’s a chance to blend familiar fantasy elements with original and innovative ideas, creating a unique and captivating setting for your story.

Your approach to storytelling, where the underlying cosmology remains largely hidden from the characters within the world, is a compelling and immersive way to engage readers. It allows for a gradual and layered exploration of the world’s mysteries, myths, and magicks. Here are some key aspects of this storytelling technique:

Cultural Relativism: By having different cultures and species with their own myths and magicks, you create a sense of cultural relativism. Each culture has its unique way of understanding and explaining the world, which adds depth to the worldbuilding and reflects the diversity of real-world cultures.

Mysteries and Discoveries: As characters explore and interact with their world, they can uncover hidden truths, myths, and magicks. This can be a source of both wonder and conflict, as characters grapple with the unknown and the fantastical.

Character Perspectives: Viewing the world through the eyes of different characters, each with their own cultural and magickal background, provides readers with diverse perspectives. It allows them to see the world from various angles, emphasizing the richness and complexity of the setting.

Layered Storytelling: The cosmology and the deeper truths of the world serve as a backdrop to the immediate concerns and actions of the characters. This layered storytelling approach gradually reveals the mysteries and complexities of the world, keeping readers engaged and intrigued.

Character Development: Characters’ beliefs, myths, and magicks can be an integral part of their development. How they grapple with their understanding of the world can lead to personal growth, inner conflict, and transformation.

This storytelling technique is not only immersive but also encourages readers to actively engage with the narrative, as they, like the characters, piece together the mysteries of the world. It allows for a sense of discovery and wonder, making the world of Iaon a dynamic and captivating setting for your story.


After all that, you deserve an apropos musical treat. Lyrics here.

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